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Guzmán, A. M., García, P., Valenzuela, M. T., Piffardi, S., Lepe, R., Velasco, M., Vergara, M. I. Acquired resistance of M tuberculosis to the antitubercular drugs in Chile from 1988 to 1991 Acquired drug resistance appears in patients that are or have been in treatment for tuberculosis (relapses, abandons and failures). The aim of this study was to maintain an epidemiologic surveillance ... 1993 121 Ver Más
Meléndez, M., Elgueta, S., Wegmann, M. E., Santamaría, L., Fuentes, C. Results of 1074 kidney transplants in Chile ... 1993 25 Ver Más
Torres, G., Vicente, M. Detection of respiratory syncytial and adenovirus in nasopharyngeal aspirates: comparison of cellular cultures and immunofluorescence Respiratory syncytial and adenovirus are 2 of the most important pathogens for respiratory infection in infancy. We compared the results of cellular cultures and immunofluorescence in the detection of... 1992 120 Ver Más
Elgueta, S., Fuentes, C., Santamaría, L., Wegmann, M. E., Meléndez, M. Effect of recipient and donor relationship and sex on graft survival in living related renal transplantation. The Chilean Renal Transplantation Centers ... 1992 24 Ver Más
Ramírez, E., Espiñeira, E. Seroepidemiologic study of measles in 2 populations of children under 10 years of age from the metropolitan area Measles antibodies were investigated by direct immunofluorescence in 274 samples from infants and 245 samples of children from 1 to 10 years of age. Antibodies were present in 74% of children under 3 ... 1992 120 Ver Más
Astorga, B., Weitz, J. C. Chagas' disease: an evaluation of serodiagnosis at blood banks in the endemic areas of Chile Blood transfusion is one mechanism leading to transmission of Chagas disease. An evaluation of the serologic method used to survey donors in 55 blood banks located in endemic areas was attempted. From... 1990 118 Ver Más
Ramírez, E., Espiñeira, E., Sánchez, G. Immunity status of 2 Chilean female populations against rubella A total of 1248 females were studied to determine immunity against rubella. A higher socio-economic subgroup (n = 789) and a lower one (459) were defined. Inhibition of hemagglutination was used to de... 1990 118 Ver Más
Weitz, J. C., Tassara, O. R., Mercado, R. Cryptosporidiosis in Chilean children ... 1988 82 Ver Más
Fischer, E., Garcés, C., López, A. Relation Between Quinoid Structure and Bacteriostatic Activity of Tetramethyl-Diaminodiphenylmethane Derivatives ... 1946 51 Ver Más
Fischer, E., Hoffmann, O., Prado, E., Boné, R. On the Mechanism of Bacteriostasis with Triphenylmethane Dyes ... 1944 48 Ver Más